Love, Study, And Frienship

Love, Study, And Frienship
Love, Study, And Frienship

Jumat, 17 Mei 2013


This evening, I was hoping it was raining as hard-swift ..
I do not want anyone to know that I was crying ..
My God, why all this?
I know all of the above events will, I sincerely yaRabb ..
but why? all these events like a curse to me ..
I patiently yaRabb ..

I want a good cry!
Where are all my friends? was lost already!
I alone here? I want to tell all yaRabb ..
I want to tell all the problems that I received ..

when will all this end?
It's like a big whip to me!
what is the meaning of all this?
've all gone ..
somehow I can vent all of this?

hope you send one to me ..
for I will make friends, friends who sealu understand me ..
accept me, do not look at me with one eye ..
yaRabb, I very much hope ..
really wish: ')

 When all is lost happiness, believe it ..
when it cries out, thanks it..
because the Rabb is being missed us ..
missed all our cries :)
miss all the things we are fighting right :)
then, be patient for it ....

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

I think this is 'Friendship'.. but you think this is 'Friendshit'!

Friday night, after a few hours ago I miss the farewell party with friends AXOTRA ..
welcomed the rain that blessed day this Friday! one of my favorite teacher's birthday ..
! Who else if not u.Lail .. :)

okay,! when I opened a social media site.
I remembered .. a few months ago (or maybe years), I was playing to my friend's house, you name it eNDe.. after I'm long joking with her, instantaneous grandmother her come and finally told her to pay purposes home, and at the time it was handphone her she lived in near me, indeed .. she already instruct order not ever open a message in handphone her ..

ordinary alone, I thought it was secret his boyfriend?
hmm.. karena rasa penasaranku yang sangaaat tingii.. aku iseng membuka pesannya..
aku baca satu per satu..
hingga akhirnya, aku terkejut, melihat satu sms yg menyebut namaku dan dengan sebutan *n***g spontan aku me respond, yaAllah! siapa pengirimnyaa? dan ntah, aku harus bagaimana,
yang mengirim pesan itu, adalah cowok yang udah aku anggap sahabat! benar-benar aku anggap sahabat.. sebut saja Imza, seketika ntahh apa feel nya.. 

pengen nangis(?)wey! tapi ini aku lagi di rumah temen..
pengen teriak(?) yang bener aja, ntar eNDe nanya lagi kenapa.. -_-"
yaAllah.. aku ada salah ap ke Imzaa??

It's okay..
malem ini, udah aku putusin buat minta maaf ke Imzaa, walaupun sebenarny aku bingung..
salah aku apa kawaannnn?!!

ternyata, twitter aku enggak di followback, ntah... biarlah,.. langsung aku mention mnta follback..

dan udah dia bales, dengan balesan superr singkat "dn" *Okay, yaRabb kali ini hamba mu msih bisaa tabah*
aku langsung stalk profile ny, dan kirim dm "Imzaa, maaf lahir batin.. aku tau, kamu pernah marah 'besar'"

dan, udah.. sekarang, aku bener-bener nangis.. :'( *Dan ini kali kedua aku nangis gara-gara cowok*

Dan sekarang aku mengerti...
'Berteman' ada kala ketika bercanda, dan pasti ada pertengkaran..
kali ini, aku sendiri yang tak tau kawaann! apa salah ku?
sebegitu marah kah dirimu wahai kawan??
permasalahannya memang sudah lama, mungkin sudah setahun yang silam..

dan andai dirimu tau kawan, selama itu juga permasalahan itu menjadi tanda tanya besar di pikiranku?!